Greetings from the land of fruits, nuts and flakes! It’s been awhile
since I’ve blogged so I thought I’d take some time to sit down and write.
I’ve been thinking about moving to a place that is slower-paced than Los
Angeles. A place with lush green vegetation…where people still offer up a smile
when you pass them on the street. It is a little taxing on the soul being
around so many faceless people day in and day out. The city is too big to
travel much outside of a comfortable 5-10 mile radius. Traffic is a beast and
prevents me from having a ‘nice drive’ anywhere….even on Sundays. The beach
seems close to the average person – only about 25 miles. But add in an hour or
more drive time and a minimum of 30 minutes to find parking (which can also be
pretty expensive) and enter buzz kill. The water is cold-- even in the hottest
part of the summer. I’ve never been able to get more than a calf in the water
without the shrill cries of frigid agony.
For me, I think the city has lost its appeal. It may be because I don’t
really like it here. I don’t care for the people – they’re too self-absorbed. It
may be because I’ve grown complacent and tired in the pursuit of a writing
career. I’m getting older, I have no retirement plan, no health benefits and no
job security. But my desire to be happy is fully intact. So today I asked
myself, “If you were truly happy, how would your life be different?”
I have been energized by the allure of moving to a calmer, nicer place.
I was getting excited looking for houses and a different job. I was excited
about being closer to friends and relatives. And then it hit me. Am I doing
everything I can where I am to make change happen in my life? What will moving solve?
I think sometimes the enticement of something new is deceiving. It’s a
huge task to take on – this moving business. It can be exhausting. And there’s
no guarantee that in the end I will be any happier. What would it take to make
me happy now? What changes need to occur to be happy where I am?
So, I ask you….are you happy now? What would it take? Are you doing
everything you can to MAKE YOUR OWN HAPPINESS? It’s long since been said that
you can manifest your own happiness. It’s a state of mind. It’s hard work and
requires constant effort, this staying positive in such a negative world. But
if we can truly manifest what we want in our lives, then what are we waiting
I have some work to do. How about you?